100% shoppers Best Price Policy
100% Shoppers Best Price Policy
Our goal is to consistently provide the best pricing in the marketplace online, and we work very diligently to do so. If you happen to see another online shop that offers a lower price than us within six months of your purchase date, please let us know, and we’ll be happy to refund the difference to your original payment method. Moreover, because we are consistently working with our suppliers to get better rates, we know you can feel very comfortable and confident that you are seeing the best prices available for the products listed on our site.
Moving forward, if you find the same item that we carry on another website at a lower price, please submit that to us within six months of your purchase date, and we will refund you the difference.
If it is a case of seeing a lower price on another website and we need to send a partial refund, simply email us the link to the exact product and brand from our site, along with the link from our competitor’s site, so we can verify the pricing. Again, this needs to be within six months from the date of your order, and we will review your submission and apply credit if necessary.
Our 100% Shoppers Best Price Guarantee has a few limitations:
- The item must have already been purchased from our site before requesting a price match review.
- This does not include rebate programs or specific retailer promotions, such as "buy three, get one free" offers, or any similar bundled discounts.
- The item must be in stock on the competitor’s site at the time of submission.
- The price match only applies to checkouts directly on our site.
- The website cannot be a wholesaler, liquidator, or auction website (e.g., eBay, Liquidation.com, Via Trading, Overstock, etc.).
- The competitor must be an authorised reseller by the supplier and/or manufacturer of the product you are inquiring about.
- The Shoppers Best Price Policy must include the product listing price and shipping total but excludes any sales tax that gets added to the final purchasing invoice.